with Sailor James
Welcome to Yarns: Conversations with Cruisers. With this podcast I will be collecting stories of cruising sailors that I meet around the world.
When I was in French Polynesia I met a sailor whose stories were rich and fascinating. I awoke the next day regretting I had not recorded our conversation as I watched him sail out of the bay. That was the moment it struck me that I should document my fellow sailors stories to share on my YouTube channel as well as in the form of an audio podcast.
All of these podcasts are recorded as a video with only slight editing done in post. We start the camera and then start the conversation. Most of the sailors I interview would describe themselves as “Just ordinary people” and from time to time I will interview more well known sailors who I happen to know or meet, but for the most part I want this series to focus on sailors whose stories would never be told to a larger audience.
Yarns will be released once a month with seasons consisting of 6-7 interviews. I have spent 7 months collecting all of the interviews for this first season of the podcast.
You can find there whereever you get your podcasts or by visiting:
Other Podcasts
selected podcasts I have been interviewed on listed oldest to newest.